GOD, ANGELS, DEVIL, DEMONS, what do they all have in common? They all are formless energy that intertwines, making one beautiful sound. Too much good isn't natural and too much bad isn't natural, there must be a mix of high and low notes to make a beautiful sound, vision and creation.
When God was talking to Job, putting this wise man in his place in comparison to the creative feats of God Almighty, He asked a question that gives insight into history before Earth’s creation. “Where wast thou when I laid the foundations of the earth?” God asked, “When the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy?” (Job 38:4, 7).
This reveals that God created angels before He created Earth, that they witnessed this magnificent moment, that they shouted for joy, and that they were singing!
Children are GOD, DEVIL, ANGEL, DEMON, a beautifully deformed angelic monstrosity and true. This is why we created T.Y.A.M.=The Young Artist Movement.
Matthew 18:10
BY: James S. Lesane