MENTE: Hello gorgeous, can I ask you a question?
SUNNY: Sure you can.
MENTE: What makes you happy?
SUNNY: Alot of things make me happy.
MENTE: Like?
SUNNY: My man makes me happy.
MENTE: How does he make you happy?
SUNNY: By kissing me, caressing me, sexing me and buying me things.
MENTE: Really? If so, why have you been crying and depressed since you've been with him the past 10 years?
MENTE: Yes you have been. Don't lie to yourself.
SUNNY: How do you know? I don't know you. You just started coming around.
MENTE: No I haven't, I've been around you for many years. I see all of the pain that he causes you. Who knows you better than you? I'm you, Y-O-U & U, The Universe. You are aware of my existence but you ignore me.
SUNNY: What's your name?
MENTE: My name is MENTE, but you call me mind, God & Devil unbalanced, Rain and Sun when the storm makes Sunny gloomy. I'm sunny in the storm. I know your man beats, hurts and makes you cry, admit this to me, to yourself and admit that all I've said is true, because, when the sunshines on rainy days, the devil is beating his wife, this is a fact.
By: James S. Lesane